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ERP Solution For Growth-Minded Businesses – Part 1

ERP Solution For Growth-Minded Businesses - Part 1

ERP Solution For Growth-Minded Businesses – Part 1

Get Smart: Empower Employees with Role-Based Business Intelligence and Real-Time Reporting

Knowledge is power. Providing employees with real-time insights empowers them to make informed decisions, complete projects efficiently, and resolve issues promptly, thereby driving profitability.

However, many companies struggle to harness real-time data effectively. They often invest in analytical tools to manage big data but fail to derive strategic insights that enhance operations. Moreover, the effectiveness of reporting systems depends on the quality of the underlying data.

Acumatica combines its award-winning ERP platform with a customisable reporting engine and leading business intelligence tools to streamline operations and foster innovation across the organisation. This cloud-based solution offers standard and custom reporting with drill-down capabilities, dynamic dashboards, and integrated analytics from Microsoft BI and Tableau.

Acumatica transforms raw data collected across the enterprise into mission-critical information. Role-based dashboards provide users with the real-time insights they need to succeed. This award-winning solution delivers updated company health analysis and personalised key performance indicators (KPIs) directly on each user’s homepage.

This Acumatica solution brief illustrates how customising real-time reports for each user and integrating business intelligence fosters a productive and profitable culture.

Real-Time Reporting: Data-Driven Insights for Each Role

Organisations that fail to gather and analyse real-time insights from their systems miss crucial opportunities to address issues and achieve goals.

Continuous conversion of updated financial, product, and customer data into meaningful insights is essential for tracking sales, expenses, production and distribution effectively.

Acumatica equips organisations with data-driven insights delivered to each user’s desktop. Hundreds of standard reports provide instant access to core financial and operational information aggregated across the enterprise. Additionally, customised dashboards present KPIs on each user’s homepage daily. Users can also schedule recurring reports to stay informed about changes.

Acumatica – An ERP Solution For Growth-Minded Businesses

Centralised Databases and Real-Time Reports Promote Financial Transparency

Acumatica consolidates all application data in a single database, providing a comprehensive 360-degree view of every business area and ensuring all users access a unified version of organisational truth. Dashboards display robust financial and operational data, including revenue, accounting, sales contracts, customer activity, and inventory.

Business Intelligence Infuses Reports with Mission-Critical Information

Acumatica places the power of real-time data at employees’ fingertips, offering powerful insights tailored to their roles and priorities. Advanced business intelligence tools such as Microsoft Power BI and Tableau, aggregate data from multiple external sources to extract actionable information.

Acumatica translates business intelligence into real-time reports and role-based dashboards, enhancing financial reporting, boosting profitability, and ensuring compliance. For instance, the system filters intelligence data to produce reports that rank products by profitability.

Dashboards Deliver an End-to-End View of Operations and Customer Activity

Acumatica processes data from various sources to populate custom reports, including KPIs, sales figures, inventory, and customer support. Leaders can assess company health at any time by accessing real-time reports and personalised dashboards on any browser-based device, including smartphones.

For example, they can quickly view up-to-date sales figures by region, representative, and product line. They can also project inventory shortages, identify weak links in the supply chain, use pivot tables to analyse data from multiple perspectives, drill down to investigate underlying sources, and initiate follow-up tasks from their Acumatica homepage.

Look out for Part 2 of our ERP Solution For Growth-Minded Businesses coming soon…

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